How do you get hacked?

First and foremost thing about getting hacked is all about the weakness.

Each and every industry has a particular set of flaw and don’t really have the ability to strengthen its defensive mechanism. Over the years, the need for security has gotten into a must-have thing and the organizations investing now in security technologies is teaching us how security is important.

So how do you really get hacked ?

In this digital era, It is very important to make sure that you really be cautious about what you share out there on the internet. Understanding personally identifiable information is essential for data sharing. You need to have control over your privacy to prevent information from being shared. The reason I mentioned PII is that this is the first collectable source a hacker can gather about you. This almost makes the job easy for a hacker.

There are some techniques used by hackers as a way to hack users. Some of them are lined up as attack strategies below

  • Social Engineering
  • Password Reuse
  • Brute Force
  • Phishing Email – under Social Engineering.

These are very common in the world of hacking.

Today, more sophisticated attacks are being targeted, not the individuals but the large enterprise organizations. This can also be targeted to an individual representing that particular organization.

For example, What if the E-Commerce giants out there gets hacked and the whole company is down for a day. It’s not really that easy when it comes to a multi-billion company like those. However, It is to understand how a simple security flaw can cause the whole system down.

So, like I said it’s all really about the weakness and I think people must learn and be aware of securing their assets. Be it anything.

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