The Cyber Kill Chain?

The Cyber Kill Chain stages

Sounds like a Fancy word uhn ?

Despite how fancy it sounds, in reality, it is just a step-by-step process of how hackers attack and how a cyber-attack generally plays out. This model describes the steps of the advisories from the beginning until it’s exploited, as you can see in the above illustration.

So what is it ?

The cybersecurity kill chain is a security model that organizations use to track and prevent cyber intrusions at their various stages. The kill chain has been used with varying degrees of success against ransomware, hacking attempts, and APTs (advanced persistent threats).

The kill chain is attributed to Lockheed Martin, who derived it from a military
the model used to effectively neutralize targets by anticipating their attacks, engaging
them strategically, and destroying them.

Each and every stages mentioned below are crucial for an adversary to succeed the attack.

  • Reconnaissance
  • Weaponization
  • Privilege Escalation
  • Exfiltration
  • Install
  • Command and Control

There are so many tools involved in each of these processes. I may probably write another blog post for common hacking tools used in this kill chain process.

So, in simple words, to explain the kill chain, It starts with getting details for a target, gaining access, maintaining anonymity and then hitting the target with advanced tools and simple methods. This is from a mindset of a Threat Actor.

This topic is an ocean, but for now, we understood what it is and why this is so important to know.

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