Computer Security Fundamentals – Part 2


Identity is the new perimeter.

This is very crucial when we talk about security. The majority of the time, identity contains credentials that are composed only of a username and password. As you know this can be easily compromised, making sure to protect our identity can help us stop data breach in our current threat landscape. If the credentials were compromised,
this already is collateral damage.

MFA – Multi Factor Authentication.
To provide a higher level of security for the accounts holding our personal information, We must use multi-factor authentication (MFA). The first factor is something you know: your account password. The second factor is something you have: a phone or phone number that’s associated with you. This is the approach is 99.9999% safe as per the industry terms.


Choosing and using passwords is crucial to many aspects of computer security. Passwords are the keys to your digital homes. When you are asked to choose a new password the objective is to create something you can easily remember, but nobody else could guess even if they knew all the other passwords you have ever used and set their computer to work trying millions of different guesses. This sounds difficult, but with a little thought you can invent memorably and
impressively secure passwords


A ‘firewall’ is a program, but the same term is also used to refer to a ‘hardware firewall’ which is a computer allocated exclusively to the task of running a firewall program. A firewall program does not need much computing power, and running a firewall on your computer is useful whether or not you have a hardware firewall between your computer and the network. Businesses often have more than one firewall because each extra layer adds to the protection. Firewalls give cheap and effective security.

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